The build system for FeatherweightJava uses a tool called Ant, from the Apache project. Ant is similar to make, but it uses an XML-based file format (the build.xml file in this directory). You should not have to edit this file for your project.

If you don't have ant on your computer, you can download it from here: This archive will unzip into a folder called ant. Then instead of the "ant" command, use the command "java -jar path/to/ant/ant-launcher.jar".

To get a list of the build targets for FeatherweightJava, type "ant -p" at the command prompt. The most important of these is fj-jar; by typing "ant fj-jar", or simply "ant", the Java source files are rebuilt and a Java archive (Jar) file called fj.jar is created in this directory.


After fj.jar has been built, the typechecker and evaluator can be run by typing "java -jar fj.jar tests/"; replace tests/ with any test case you wish to run.


Typing "ant submit" creates a file named in this directory. This archive contains your modifications to fj.typecheck.TypeChecker and fj.types.ClassTable, and your test suite in the tests/ subdirectory. No other files are submitted, so make sure you limit your editing to those files.