
Teaching experience organized by topic in reverse chronological order.


Discrete Mathematics (EECS 203)
Graduate Student Instructor at the University of Michigan in Winter 2025.


Introduction to Cryptography (EECS 475)
Graduate Student Instructor for Mahdi Cheraghchi at the University of Michigan in Fall 2023.

Advanced Cryptography (EECS 575)
Graduate Student Instructor for Paul Grubbs at the University of Michigan in Fall 2022.

Cryptography (CS/CY 4770)
Teaching assistant for Daniel Wichs at Northeastern University in Spring 2020.

Crytography Mini Course
Teaching assistant for Yael Kalai for New Horizons in Theoretical Computer Science summer program in Summer 2021.


Introduction to Algorithms (EECS 477)
Graduate Student Instructor for Greg Bodwin at the University of Michigan in Fall 2021.


Geometry (Middle School)
Volunteer teaching assistant for Oana Veliche at St. Herman of Alaska Christian School between Fall 2016 - Fall 2019.