repo_name_with_owner | sdg_topic | ovio_topic |
openfarmcc/OpenFarm | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
sleepbusorg/ | [1, 'No Poverty'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-androidapp | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
tmrowco/electricitymap-contrib | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
WorldBank-Transport/DRIVER | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
mysociety/pombola | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
orcasound/orcanode | [14, 'Life Below Water'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
onaio/onadata | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
opendatateam/udata | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
drivendataorg/zamba | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
wri/global-power-plant-database | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
developmentseed/geolambda | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Humanitarian'] |
EskaleraInc/catalyst-bias-correct | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
nordic-institute/X-Road | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
sugarlabs/musicblocks | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
conative-labs/Platform-API | [6, 'Clean Water and Sanitation'] | |
odoo/odoo | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
openMF/android-client | [1, 'No Poverty'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
consul/consul | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
Ideasis/VivoosVR | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
tidepool-org/uploader | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
developmentseed/label-maker | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Humanitarian'] |
otsimo/aac | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
cboard-org/cboard | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
instedd/planwise | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
w3-engineers/telemesh | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | |
radiantearth/stac-browser | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
dymaxionlabs/ap-latam | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | |
getodk/xlsform-offline | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
openMF/community-app | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
hotosm/tasking-manager | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
iHRIS/iHRIS | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
developmentseed/landsat-util | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Humanitarian'] |
GFDRR/open-risk-data-dashboard | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Society & Culture', 'Environment & Nature'] |
GlobalDigitalLibraryio/book-api | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
Veativetech/VeativeWebVR | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
GFDRR/thinkhazard | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Society & Culture', 'Environment & Nature'] |
MSH/PViMS | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
arkhn/fhir-pipe | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
MuckRock/muckrock | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
AsylumConnect/asylum-connect-catalog | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
muzima/muzima-android | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | |
PecanProject/pecan | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
RefugeRestrooms/refugerestrooms-ios | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
codepath/android_guides | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
nubianvr-source/BasicElectronics | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
OpenSourcePolitics/decidim | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
drivendataorg/deon | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
MSH/eTBManager3 | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
llaske/sugarizer | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
WattTime/watttime-python-client | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
liberapay/ | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
ushahidi/platform-client | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics'] |
sharmalab/Datascope | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
HTBox/MobileKidsIdApp | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
openmrs/openmrs-core | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
Data4Democracy/crash-model | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
TheTorProject/gettor | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
opengovernment/opengovernment | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
mojaloop/mojaloop | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
energy-market-methods/caltrack | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | |
SFDigitalServices/sf-dahlia-web | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | |
motech/motech | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
Social-Synergy/inclusion-UKR | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | |
Tanibox/tania-core | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
openai/spinningup | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
mapswipe/mapswipe | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
hotosm/osm-analytics | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
public-accountability/littlesis-rails | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
betagouv/mes-aides-ui | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
medic/cht-core | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
MSH/QuanTB | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
Datawheel/canon | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | |
oppia/oppia-ml | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
betagouv/ | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
bayesimpact/bob-emploi | [8, 'Decent Work and Economic Growth'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Society & Culture'] |
codeforboston/safe-water | [6, 'Clean Water and Sanitation'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
ourresearch/oadoi | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
osm-search/Nominatim | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | |
tidepool-org/viz | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
openeemeter/eemeter | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | |
JustFixNYC/tenants | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics'] |
camicroscope/caMicroscope | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
OpenRefine/OpenRefine | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
enketo/enketo-express | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
rubyforgood/diaper | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
Intelehealth/intelehealth-openmrs-ui | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
ShelterTechSF/askdarcel-api | [1, 'No Poverty'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
openml/OpenML | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
OperationCode/front-end | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
etalab/croquemort | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
JustFixNYC/who-owns-what | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics'] |
enketo/enketo-core | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
instedd/pollit | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
dimagi/commcare-cloud | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
energy-data/ | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
betagouv/leximpact-client | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics'] |
opendatacube/datacube-core | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Humanitarian'] |
Bahmni/bahmni-core | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
pg-irc/pathways-backend | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
wevote/WeVoteServer | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
JustFixNYC/eviction-free-nyc | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics'] |
SEED-platform/seed | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | |
radiantearth/stac-spec | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
LoopKit/LoopKit | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
NREL/EnergyPlus | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
nvaccess/nvda | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
utopic-studio/hanselygretelVR | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
rubyforgood/playtime | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
dimagi/commcare-android | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
avniproject/avni-server | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
codeforamerica/brigade | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
get-alex/SublimeLinter-contrib-alex | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
mysociety/alaveteli | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
SEL-Columbia/formhub | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
chaynHQ/soulmedicine | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Humanitarian'] |
dimagi/commcare-hq | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
resource-watch/resource-watch | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Environment & Nature'] |
ESIPFed/sweet | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
opencrvs/opencrvs-core | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
team-asr/od-Data | [2, 'Zero Hunger'] | |
JustFixNYC/tenants2 | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics'] |
openfisca/openfisca-france | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
OpenSRP/opensrp-client-core | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
instedd/resourcemap | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
getodk/collect | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
openfoodsource/OFS_trunk | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | |
openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
Gapminder/dollar-street-pages | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Economics', 'Humanitarian'] |
moodle/moodle | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
teliportme/remixvr | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
OneBusAway/onebusaway-android | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
get-alex/atom-linter-alex | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
getodk/briefcase | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
unicef/etools | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
dhis2/dhis2-core | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
wikitongues/poly | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
publiclab/infragram | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Environment & Nature'] |
codeforboston/migrant_service_map | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
energywebfoundation/energyweb-ui | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
hackoregon/civic | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
openpantry/open_pantry | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Humanitarian'] |
codeforamerica/intake | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
CenterForOpenScience/SHARE | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
learningequality/kolibri | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
LLK/scratch-vm | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
hotosm/OpenAerialMap | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
azavea/raster-vision | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
getodk/aggregate | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
MSH/Pharmadex | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
mysociety/fixmystreet | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
afinidata2019/afinidata-content-manager | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
openMF/web-app | [1, 'No Poverty'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
regardscitoyens/ | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
openoakland/openbudgetoakland | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
apache/climate | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
VRMakerTeam/VRMaker | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
sugarlabs/turtleart-activity | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
Envirometrix/LandGISmaps | [15, 'Life On Land'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
HospitalRun/hospitalrun-server | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
unep-grid/map-x-mgl | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
5calls/ios | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
OpenConceptLab/oclapi | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
kobotoolbox/kobocat | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
mosip/commons | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
guardianproject/ripple | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | |
openstates/openstates-scrapers | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
code4romania/seismic-risc | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Society & Culture'] |
OSU-Battelle-Center/DRC-Ebola-Conflict | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
catalyst-cooperative/pudl | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
digidem/mapeo-desktop | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Humanitarian'] |
openMF/mifos-mobile | [1, 'No Poverty'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
Gapminder/gapminder-offline | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Economics', 'Humanitarian'] |
datosgcba/obras-abiertas | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
HospitalRun/hospitalrun-server-routes | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
ushahidi/platform | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Economics'] |
code4romania/redirectioneaza | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Society & Culture', 'Humanitarian'] |
codeforamerica/michigan-benefits | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
get-alex/alex | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
rapidpro/ureport | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
WildbookOrg/Wildbook | [15, 'Life On Land'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
farmOS/farmOS | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
openmrs/openmrs-contrib-android-client | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
openelisglobal/openelisglobal-core | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
OperationCode/operationcode-pyback | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
codeforamerica/cfapi | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
ushahidi/tenfour | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
LLK/scratch-gui | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
radicallyopensecurity/pentext | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
OpenLMIS/openlmis-ref-distro | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
pixframe/towi | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
somleng/somleng-scfm | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
openimis/web_app_vb | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
hikmahealth/hikma-mobile | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being', 'Humanitarian'] |
marytts/marytts | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
Terrastories/terrastories | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
tidepool-org/blip | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
LoopKit/CGMBLEKit | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
OperationCode/operationcode_backend | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
OpenUpSA/pmg-cms-2 | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
h5p/h5p-interactive-video | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
Vizzuality/climate-watch | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
benetech/MathShare | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
sfbrigade/adopt-a-drain | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
opt-out-tools/opt-out | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | |
Vizzuality/gfw | [15, 'Life On Land'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
bothub-it/bothub | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
VOLTTRON/volttron | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
codeforboston/voiceapp311 | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
Recidiviz/pulse-data | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
Growstuff/growstuff | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
kimetrica/MERON_model | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
Welthungerhilfe/cgm-ml | [2, 'Zero Hunger'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
openaq/openaq-api | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
edx/edx-platform | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
bayesimpact/encompass | [8, 'Decent Work and Economic Growth'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Society & Culture'] |
datamade/census | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
mapswipe/python-mapswipe-workers | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
LibreHealthIO/lh-toolkit | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
OADA/oada-srvc-docker | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
LLK/scratch-blocks | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
sozialhelden/accessibility-cloud | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Health & Well-being'] |
righton-dev/righton-app | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
openbudgets/participatory-budgeting | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
openstreetmap/osm2pgsql | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
patadejaguar/safeosms | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
primeroIMS/primero | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Education'] |
ifmeorg/ifme | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
sozialhelden/wheelmap-frontend | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | |
5calls/5calls | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
NREL/OpenStudio-server | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
avniproject/avni-client | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
openhie/facility-recon | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
OpenTreeMap/otm-core | [15, 'Life On Land'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
jellow-aac/Jellow-Communicator | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
RefugeRestrooms/refugerestrooms | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
tidepool-org/data-analytics | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
CodeForAfrica/openAFRICA | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
HTBox/allReady | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
jembi/openhim-core-js | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
claytonrcarter/cropplanning | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | |
publiclab/plots2 | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Environment & Nature'] |
letsdoitworld/World-Cleanup-Day | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Environment & Nature'] |
empirical-org/Quill-NLP-Tools-and-Datasets | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
xiaoyudi-China/yuudee | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
GliaX/pulseox | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
opennorth/represent-canada | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
public-accountability/littlesis-main | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
LLK/scratchjr | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
eKitabu/Accessible-EPUB-Toolkit | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
heatseeknyc/heatseeknyc | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics'] |
CenterForOpenScience/ | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
open-contracting/standard | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
OpenEnergyDashboard/OED | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
onaio/mspray | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
kobotoolbox/kpi | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
codeforamerica/etpl-search | [8, 'Decent Work and Economic Growth'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Society & Culture'] |
sozialhelden/wheelmap-classic | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | |
LibreHealthIO/lh-ehr | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
OptiKey/OptiKey | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
OpenAgricultureFoundation/openag-device-software | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | |
openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
energy-data/market-opportunities | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
ctt-gob-es/clienteafirma | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
WattTime/pyiso | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
pwyf/aid-transparency-tracker | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
EvictionLab/eviction-maps | [1, 'No Poverty'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
uptake/autofocus | [15, 'Life On Land'] | |
ShelterTechSF/askdarcel-web | [1, 'No Poverty'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
coralproject/ask | [8, 'Decent Work and Economic Growth'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
sugarlabs/sugar | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
instedd/surveda | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
apache/fineract | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
openstreetmap/iD | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
HospitalRun/hospitalrun-frontend | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
inasafe/inasafe | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
getodk/build | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
owid/owid-grapher | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
Flowminder/FlowKit | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Economics', 'Health & Well-being'] |
OperationCode/operationcode-pybot | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
synthetichealth/synthea | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
humansis/front | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
tidepool-org/platform | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
Intelehealth/Android-Mobile-Client | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
unicef/magicbox-open-api | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
sahana/eden | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
WFP-VAM/HRM | [2, 'Zero Hunger'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
facebookincubator/magma | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
saycel/Saycel.Phone | [9, 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure'] | |
rapidpro/rapidpro | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
code-dot-org/blockly | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
tidepool-org/tideline | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
jembi/hearth | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
huridocs/uwazi | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
OperationCode/resources_api | [10, 'Reduced Inequalities'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
betagouv/ | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
curiouslearning/Norad-Eduapp4syria | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
ConservationInternational/ | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
publiclab/leaflet-environmental-layers | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Society & Culture', 'Environment & Nature'] |
okfn/reconcile-csv | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
GlobalFishingWatch/vessel-classification | [14, 'Life Below Water'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
healthsites/healthsites | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
giving-a-fuck-about-climate-change/carbon-inferno | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-ios | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
foodcoops/foodsoft | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
microsoft/Smart-Energy-Foundation-Demo-Stack | [13, 'Climate Action'] | |
opengovfoundation/madison | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
oppia/oppia | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
instedd/verboice | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
guardianproject/haven | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
GreenButtonAlliance/OpenESPI-Common-java | [7, 'Affordable and Clean Energy'] | |
thinkingmachines/geomancer | [11, 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'] | |
okfde/froide | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
signdict/website | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
coralproject/talk | [8, 'Decent Work and Economic Growth'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
jembi/bsis | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
learningequality/ka-lite | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
project-sunbird/sunbird-data-pipeline | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
Imisi3D/leVRn-beta | [4, 'Quality Education'] | |
LLK/scratch-www | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
OpenBankProject/OBP-API | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
code-dot-org/code-dot-org | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Economics', 'Education'] |
Welthungerhilfe/cgm-scanner | [2, 'Zero Hunger'] | |
GliaX/Stethoscope | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
CodeForAfrica/HealthTools.KE-theStarHealth | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Civic Tech', 'Health & Well-being'] |
kvklrao/NEOSEPALG | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
MSH/RxSolution | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
WorldHealthOrganization/app | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | ['Health & Well-being'] |
Prescrypto/rxchain | [3, 'Good Health and Well-Being'] | |
project-callisto/callisto-core | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
PopulateTools/gobierto | [16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions'] | |
openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-server | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
openclimatedata/global-carbon-budget | [13, 'Climate Action'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
Coinsence/coinsence-monorepo | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
openml/openml-python | [4, 'Quality Education'] | ['Education'] |
hzi-braunschweig/SORMAS-Project | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | |
TransparencyToolkit/LookingGlass | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Civic Tech'] |
Ecohackerfarm/powerplant | [12, 'Responsible Consumption and Production'] | ['Environment & Nature'] |
drnikki/open-demographics | [5, 'Gender Equality'] | ['Society & Culture'] |
GeoNode/geonode | [17, 'Partnerships for the Goals'] | ['Humanitarian'] |
ciudadanointeligente/no-mas-cohecho | ['Civic Tech'] | |
codepath/android-navigation-drawer-exercise | ['Economics', 'Education'] | |
openMF/mobile-wallet | ['Humanitarian'] | |
openventilatorregistry/OpenVentilatorRegistry | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
sozialhelden/wheelmap | ['Economics', 'Health & Well-being'] | |
owid/ | ['Humanitarian'] | |
opennorth/represent-canada-data | ['Civic Tech'] | |
miracle-messages/mm-ios-mobile | ['Society & Culture', 'Humanitarian'] | |
tidepool-org/ | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
datakind/caseworker-scheduler | ['Civic Tech'] | |
govtrack/misconduct | ['Civic Tech'] | |
CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
theleadio/coronatracker | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
openstreetmap/Nominatim | ['Humanitarian'] | |
openlawlibrary/taf | ['Civic Tech'] | |
guardianproject/Ripple | ['Civic Tech'] | |
nytimes/covid-19-data | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
fieldpapers/fieldpapers | ['Humanitarian'] | |
tidepool-org/chrome-uploader | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
etalab/covid19-dashboard | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
kobotoolbox/kobo-docker | ['Humanitarian'] | |
sleepbusorg/toolbus | ['Humanitarian'] | |
datauy/ATuServicio | ['Civic Tech', 'Health & Well-being'] | |
FoldingAtHome/coronavirus | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
Exygy/sf-dahlia-web | ['Society & Culture'] | |
wevote/WebApp | ['Civic Tech'] | |
OpenSourceMalaria/OSM_To_Do_List | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
nextstrain/ncov | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
etalab/ | ['Civic Tech'] | |
XLSForm/pyxform | ['Civic Tech'] | |
midas-network/COVID-19 | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
wikirona/wikirona | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
hotosm/learnosm | ['Humanitarian'] | |
crisisboard/opencrisisboard | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
okfde/ | ['Civic Tech'] | |
posm/posm | ['Humanitarian'] | |
CodeForPhilly/chime | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
okfn/opendatahandbook | ['Civic Tech'] | |
everypolitician/everypolitician-data | ['Civic Tech'] | |
NovelCOVID/API | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
iceweasel1/COVID-19-Germany | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
rightoneducation/righton-app | ['Education'] | |
lifen-labs/covid | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
pg-irc/pathways-frontend | ['Humanitarian'] | |
octopicorn/covid19-charts | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
chschoenenberger/covid19_dashboard | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
ahmadawais/corona-cli | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
UPchieve/web | ['Economics', 'Education'] | |
tidepool-org/tide-whisperer | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
RefugeRestrooms/refugerestrooms-android | ['Society & Culture'] | |
jcl5m1/ventilator | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
openstates/openstates | ['Civic Tech'] | |
reach4help/reach4help | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
opencovid19-fr/data | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
hotosm/hotosm-website | ['Humanitarian'] | |
unicef/magicbox-kepler-app | ['Economics', 'Education'] | |
AaronWard/covidify | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
Data4Democracy/usa-dashboard | ['Civic Tech'] | |
tokyo-metropolitan-gov/covid19 | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
theirc/web | ['Humanitarian'] | |
COVID19Tracking/website | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
tgalopin/ | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
openstreetmap/osmosis | ['Humanitarian'] | |
opt-out-tool/opt-out | ['Society & Culture'] | |
covidcaremap/covid19-healthsystemcapacity | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
github/covid19-dashboard | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
openoakland/OakCrime | ['Civic Tech'] | |
codeforamerica/colorado-benefits | ['Civic Tech'] | |
UPchieve/server | ['Economics', 'Education'] | |
WildbookOrg/reid-manta | ['Environment & Nature'] | |
unicef/magicbox-app | ['Economics', 'Education'] | |
Data4Democracy/immigration-connect | ['Civic Tech'] | |
medic/medic | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
mhdhejazi/CoronaTracker | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
OpenAgInitiative/openag-device-software | ['Humanitarian', 'Environment & Nature'] | |
sozialhelden/wheelmap-react-frontend | ['Economics', 'Health & Well-being'] | |
neherlab/covid19_scenarios | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
openclimatedata/paris-agreement-entry-into-force | ['Environment & Nature'] | |
BustByte/coronastatus | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
ExpDev07/coronavirus-tracker-api | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
fieldpapers/josm-fieldpapers | ['Humanitarian'] | |
dhis2/app-platform | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
emergenzeHack/covid19italia | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
openoakland/clean-water | ['Environment & Nature'] | |
kaz-ogiwara/covid19 | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
UptakeOpenSource/autofocus | ['Environment & Nature'] | |
opendatateam/croquemort | ['Civic Tech'] | |
benetech/ServiceNet | ['Humanitarian'] | |
pcm-dpc/COVID-19 | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
Microsoft/Smart-Energy-Foundation-Demo-Stack | ['Environment & Nature'] | |
nextstrain/ | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
codersagainstcovidorg/covid19testing-map | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
JohnCoene/coronavirus | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
globalcitizen/2019-wuhan-coronavirus-data | ['Health & Well-being'] | |
okfde/ | ['Civic Tech'] | |
theirc/airbel | ['Humanitarian'] | |
ieee8023/covid-chestxray-dataset | ['Health & Well-being'] |