A. Bio-Related Topics
Antenna Stents for Pressure and Flow Monitoring
Wireless Monitoring of Intraluminal Prostheses
Batch Mode Ultrasonic Micromaching of Ceramics and Application to Sensors and Actuators
High-Speed Biochemical Sensing Using Microdischarges
Virtual Microfluidic Components for Droplet Manipulation Using Marangoni Flows
Digital Microfluidics Using Marangoni Flows
Large-Scale Integration of Solid-State Microfluidic Pumps and Valves With No Moving Parts
Micromachined Joule-Thomson Cryosurgery Probe
B. Environmental Sensing Topics
High-Speed Chemical Sensing Using Microdischarges
Pulsed Microdischarges and Their Use in Chemical Sensing
A Micromachined Sputter Ion Pump and Harsh Environment Multiplasma Microsystem
The MicroGeiger: A Beta-Particle Radiation Detector
A Wireless Micromachined Radiation Sensor
C. Machining Technologies
Scaling and Process Challenges in Micro-EDM Technology
Ultrasonic Micro-Machining of Ceramics and Glass with Batch Mode Pattern Transfer
D. Miscellaneous
Knudsen Pump for On-Chip Vacuum
Gas Flow in Nano-Channels: Thermal Transpiration Models
An Actively Controlled Piezoelectric Microvalve for Distributed Cryogenic Cooling Systems
Ultracompliant Thermal Probe Arrays for High Throughput Thermal Imaging and Maskless Lithography
A Micromachined DC-to-DC Boost Converter for Powering High-Voltage Transducers