from generator.actions import Actions import random import string import struct import ctypes import sys import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) def random_name(is_required=True): if not is_required: if random.randint(1,10) == 1: return '' characters = string.letters + "'" max_size = random.randint(1,31) return ''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size)) def random_suffix(): if random.randint(1,10) == 1: return '' valid_suffixes = ["Jr", "Sr", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "Other"] choice = random.randint(1, len(valid_suffixes)) - 1 return valid_suffixes[choice] def random_month(): month = random.randint(1,12) if month < 10: return '0' + str(month) else: return str(month) def random_day(): day = random.randint(1,28) if day < 10: return '0' + str(day) else: return str(day) def random_year(): return str(random.randint(1900, 2014)) def random_height_feet(): return str(random.randint(1, 9)) def random_height_inches(): return str(random.randint(0, 11)) def random_weight(): return str(random.randint(50, 500)) def random_sex(): if random.randint(1,2) == 1: return 'M' else: return 'F' def random_hair(): valid_hair_color = [ "Bald", "Black", "Blonde or Strawbery", "Brown", "Gray or Partially Gray", "Red or Auburn", "Sandy", "White", "Blue", "Green", "Orange", "Pink", "Purple", "Unspecified or Unknown" ] choice = random.randint(1, len(valid_hair_color)) - 1 return valid_hair_color[choice] def random_eye(): valid_eye_color = [ "Black", "Blue", "Brown", "Gray", "Green", "Hazel", "Maroon", "Multicolored", "Pink", "Unknown" ] choice = random.randint(1, len(valid_eye_color)) - 1 return valid_eye_color[choice] def random_yes_no(): if random.randint(1,2) == 1: return 'Y' else: return 'N' def random_text(): max_size = random.randint(1, 63) characters = string.letters + string.digits + ' .?!' return ''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size)) def random_email(): characters = string.letters + string.digits max_size = random.randint(1, 31) front = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size)) max_size = random.randint(1, 31) back = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size)) return front + '@' + back def random_phone(is_required=True): if not is_required: if random.randint(1,10) == 1: return '' characters = string.digits max_size = 4 return '555-555-' + (''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size))) def random_street(): characters = string.digits max_size = random.randint(1, 4) street_num = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size)) characters = string.letters street_name = ''.join(random.choice(characters)) characters = string.letters + ' ' max_size = random.randint(3, 15) street_name += ''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size)) while (street_name[-1] == ' '): street_name = street_name[:-2] return street_num + ' ' + street_name + ' St' def random_city(): characters = string.letters max_size = random.randint(4,31) return ''.join(random.choice(characters) for c in range(max_size)) def random_state(): valid_state = [ "AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "DC", "FL", "GA", "HI", "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY" ] choice = random.randint(1, len(valid_state)) - 1 return valid_state[choice] def random_zip_code(): return str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) def random_gpa(): gpa_dec = random.randint(0,99) gpa_dec_str = str(gpa_dec) if gpa_dec >= 10 else '0' + str(gpa_dec) return str(random.randint(0, 4)) + '.' + gpa_dec_str def random_education(): valid_education = [ "HS", "COLLEGE", "ADV" ] choice = random.randint(1, len(valid_education)) - 1 return valid_education[choice] class ApplicationPage(): def __init__(self): self.fields = [] def check_fields_completed(self): for text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func in self.fields: if current_val is None: return False return True def get_incomplete_field(self): for x in xrange(len(self.fields)): (text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func) = self.fields[x] if current_val is None: return self.fields[x] return None def enter_field(self): for x in xrange(len(self.fields)): (text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func) = self.fields[x] if current_val is None: self.fields[x].current_val = gen_func() return True return False def update_field(self, field_name): for x in xrange(len(self.fields)): text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func = self.fields[x] if text_field == field_name: current_val = gen_func() self.fields[x] = (text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func) return current_val return None class ApplicantId(ApplicationPage): def __init__(self): self.fields = [ ("Last Name", "", True, None, random_name), ("First Name", "", True, None, random_name), ("Middle Name", " [MI or Middle Name]", False, None, random_name), ("Suffix", " [Jr, Sr, II, etc]", False, None, random_suffix), ("DOB Month", " [MM]", True, None, random_month), ("DOB Day", " [DD]", True, None, random_day), ("DOB Year", " [YYYY]", True, None, random_year), ("Height-Feet", " [1-9]", True, None, random_height_feet), ("Height-Inches", " [0-11]", True, None, random_height_inches), ("Weight", "", True, None, random_weight), ("Sex", "", True, None, random_sex), ("Hair Color", "", True, None, random_hair), ("Eye Color", "", True, None, random_eye) ] class ContactInfo(ApplicationPage): def __init__(self): self.fields = [ ("Personal e-mail", "", True, None, random_email), ("Work e-mail", "", False, None, random_email), ("Home telephone number", " [XXX-XXX-XXXX]", True, None, random_phone), ("Work telephone number", " [XXX-XXX-XXXX]", False, None, random_phone) ] class CurrentAddress(ApplicationPage): def __init__(self): self.fields = [ ("Move-In Month", " [MM]", True, None, random_month), ("Move-In Year", " [YYYY]", True, None, random_year), ("Street", "", True, None, random_street), ("City", "", True, None, random_city), ("State", "", True, None, random_state), ("Zip Code", "", True, None, random_zip_code), ("Owned by you", "? [Y/N]", True, None, random_yes_no) ] class Education(ApplicationPage): def __init__(self): self.fields = [ ("Highest Education", " [HS/COLLEGE/ADV]", True, None, random_education), ("Start Month", " [MM]", True, None, random_month), ("Start Year", " [YYYY]", True, None, random_year), ("End Month", " [MM]", True, None, random_month), ("End Year", " [YYYY]", True, None, random_year), ("School Name", "", True, None, random_text), ("Street", "", True, None, random_street), ("City", "", True, None, random_city), ("State", "", True, None, random_state), ("Zip Code", "", True, None, random_zip_code), ("GPA", " [X.XX]", True, None, random_gpa), ("Major", " [NA for HS]", True, None, random_text) ] class Employer(ApplicationPage): def __init__(self): self.fields = [ ("Most Recent Employer", "", True, None, random_text), ("Start Month", " [MM]", True, None, random_month), ("Start Year", " [YYYY]", True, None, random_year), ("End Month", " [MM]", False, None, random_month), ("End Year", " [YYYY]", False, None, random_year), ("Street", "", True, None, random_street), ("City", "", True, None, random_city), ("State", "", True, None, random_state), ("Zip Code", "", True, None, random_zip_code), ("Supervisor Last Name", "", True, None, random_name), ("Supervisor First Name", "", True, None, random_name), ("Supervisor Title", "", True, None, random_text), ("Supervisor Telephone Number", " [XXX-XXX-XXXX]", True, None, random_phone), ("Supervisor e-mail", "", False, None, random_email), ] class Screening(ApplicationPage): def __init__(self): self.fields = [ ("Drug Test", "? [Y/N]", True, None, random_yes_no), ("Background Investigation", "? [Y/N]", True, None, random_yes_no) ] class Finished(ApplicationPage): def __init__(self): self.fields = [] class JobApplication(Actions): finished_page_text = ("\n\nYou have completed your application with the Sea Eye Association.\n" + "You may review the form. Navigate through the application with **prev and **next.\n" + "Once your are satisfied type **exit to exit and submit the form\n" + "If you wish to discard your application, please use Control-C\n") page_text = [ "\nCandidate Info Form\n", "\nContact Info Form\n", "\nAddress Form\n", "\nEducation Form\n", "\nEmployment Form\n", "\nFinal Questions\n", finished_page_text, "" ] finish_text = [ "\n*********Candidate Info:*********\n", "\n*********Contact Info:*********\n", "\n*********Address:*********\n", "\n*********Highest Education:*********\n", "\n*********Most Recent Employer:*********\n", "\n*********Final Screening:*********\n", "" ] help_text = ("All commands begin with '**' and may be entered at any time\n" + "**prev \n" + "**next \n" + "**update [id] \n" + "**help \n" + "**exit \n") welcome_text = ("\n\n" + "Thanks for your interest in the Sea Eye Association.\n" + "In order to be considered for the job complete the preliminary online background check\n" + "Due to the secure nature of the position you are applying for you may be asked to\n" + "submit additional paperwork after your preliminary background check has been approved.\n" + "Thank you for your cooperation\n" ) exit_text = ("Thank you!\n") def _read_page_banner(self, page_idx=None): page_idx = self.state['page_idx'] if page_idx is None else page_idx[page_idx]), expect=self.page_text[page_idx]) def _read_completed_form(self): page = self.app_pages[self.state['page_idx']] if len(self.finish_text[self.state['page_idx']]):[self.state['page_idx']]), expect=self.finish_text[self.state['page_idx']]) for text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func in page.fields: line = text_field + '=' + current_val + '\n', expect=line) if self.state['page_idx'] < 6: line = "\nType **next to continue\n", expect=line) def _read_current_form(self): page = self.app_pages[self.state['page_idx']] field = page.get_incomplete_field() if field is not None: (text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func) = field + opt_text_field + ': '), expect=text_field + opt_text_field + ': ') else: self._read_completed_form() return field def start(self): self.last_page_completed = -1 self.app_pages = [ ApplicantId(), ContactInfo(), CurrentAddress(), Education(), Employer(), Screening(), Finished() ] self.state['page_idx'] = 0, expect=self.welcome_text) self._read_page_banner() def enter_field(self): field = self._read_current_form() if field is not None: page = self.app_pages[self.state['page_idx']] (text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func) = field current_val = page.update_field(text_field) + '\n' self.write(current_val) else: self.write('\n') self._read_page_banner() def update_field(self): if self.state['page_idx'] == 6: return field = self._read_current_form() page = self.app_pages[self.state['page_idx']] field_idx = random.randint(0, len(page.fields) - 1) text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func = page.fields[field_idx] self.write("**update " + text_field + "\n") if field is None: (text_field, opt_text_field, is_required, current_val, gen_func) = page.fields[field_idx] + opt_text_field + ': '), expect=text_field + opt_text_field + ': ') current_val = page.update_field(text_field) + '\n' self.write(current_val) else: line = "Cannot update field until all fields are inputted\n", expect=line) self._read_page_banner() def next_page(self): field = self._read_current_form() self.write("**next\n") if (self.state['page_idx'] < 6): if field is None: self.state['page_idx'] += 1 else: self._read_page_banner(page_idx=self.state['page_idx']+1) line = "You must complete the previous page before proceeding to this page\n", expect=line) self._read_page_banner() def prev_page(self): field = self._read_current_form() self.write("**prev\n") if self.state['page_idx'] > 0: self.state['page_idx'] -= 1 self._read_page_banner() def help(self): field = self._read_current_form() self.write("**help\n"), expect=self.help_text) self._read_page_banner() def exit(self): field = self._read_current_form() self.write("**exit\n"), expect=self.exit_text)