Welcome to SPIFFS (Somewhat Poorly Implemented Fast File System) Please enter the date as prompted Enter year between 1970 and 2105 :Enter month :Enter day :Enter hour (00-23) :Enter Minute (00-59) :Enter second (00-59) :root@SPIFF:/ >< date, user, group, help > root@SPIFF:/ >GUID NAME ____________________ 0 root root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- root@SPIFF:/ >Type Size Date Name Perms _______________________________________ FILE 14 5342C600 mYDo9lo root root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- *HT* 5QTW7uZKP5Xmj9NgQdwf3oWByt06-----END File----- root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- root@SPIFF:/ >exiting