Welcome to SPIFFS (Somewhat Poorly Implemented Fast File System) Please enter the date as prompted Enter year between 1970 and 2105 :Enter month :Enter day :Enter hour (00-23) :Enter Minute (00-59) :Enter second (00-59) :root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- ¼Ÿ*agr45PpiNzYO7AzEIw6zv9e3HxmU07Zs3Z5exxMCOmeHmCf0j0HNNKkFAjmQ77e7y1tJnvHZJl5VpAU-----END File----- root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >< date, user, group, help > root@SPIFF:/ >Please enter the date as prompted Enter year between 1970 and 2105 :Enter month :Enter day :Enter hour (00-23) :Enter Minute (00-59) :Enter second (00-59) :root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- root@SPIFF:/ >-----Begin File----- ìŸ*03GO6bTtZYUFesgdEchKnFNT5BlqRf-----END File----- root@SPIFF:/ >Thursday, April 2014 10 3:12:41 GMT root@SPIFF:/ >UID NAME __________ 0 root 1 UeDmZxOf 2 HBDNRPc root@SPIFF:/ >root@SPIFF:/ >exiting