Welcome to SPIFFS (Somewhat Poorly Implemented Fast File System)Please enter the date as promptedEnter year between 1970 and 2105 Enter month Enter day :Enter hour (00-23) Enter Minute (00-59) Enter second (00-59) rootSPIFF:Count Name____________________0 rootrootSPIFF:Please enter the date as promptedEnter year between 1970 and 2105 Enter month Enter day :Enter hour (00-23) Enter Minute (00-59) Enter second (00-59) rootSPIFF:Type Size Date Name Perms_______________________________________rootSPIFF:-----Begin File-----rootSPIFF:rootSPIFF:rootSPIFF:rootSPIFF:Count Name____________________0 rootrootSPIFF:Type Size Date Name Perms_______________________________________rootSPIFF:Type Size Date Name Perms_______________________________________rootSPIFF:rootSPIFF:< set, get, add, delete, exit, help, ls, cat, cd >rootSPIFF:Please enter the date as promptedEnter year between 1970 and 2105 Enter month Enter day :Enter hour (00-23) Enter Minute (00-59) Enter second (00-59) rootSPIFF:rootrootSPIFF:UID NAME__________0 rootrootSPIFF:-----Begin File-----rootSPIFF:rootSPIFF: