Welcome to the diary logger! Length: 351 Magic number: 0x4242 Future: 0x2623 Offset: 0x8 Title: pets Entry Count: 0x4 name: baabcaccbaaccaaabbbb species: bbabb shots updated: true inside only: true Title: jobs Entry Count: 0x5 title: baaacac company: acacaccbbacbacbacab salary: 0x721db719 years: 0xaf have a best friend: true Title: pets Entry Count: 0x4 name: cbbc species: bab shots updated: true age: 0x3f Title: identity Entry Count: 0x8 first name: bbabcc last name: abaac age: 0xf6 weight: 0x6f36 birth state: bcccabccac birth city: bacabaccbc birth country: bbbbccaacbbbccbbacbacaba married: true Title: jobs Entry Count: 0x3 title: cccacbabcacaccbbabccacc company: a salary: 0x4a3e1d7c good book.