Welcome to the diary logger! Length: 446 Magic number: 0x4242 Future: 0x4f50 Offset: 0x8 Title: songs Entry Count: 0x5 writer: cbbcbba free online: true year: 0xff writer: cbbbbcbbbccccc publisher: cbbcca Title: hobbies Entry Count: 0x5 Title: coins Entry Count: 0x4 name: babccbbbaabacac value: 0x421321af mint: false count: 0xee Title: stamps Entry Count: 0x4 name: bbcabbacbbc value: 0xf658 mint: true count: 0x6e Title: sports Entry Count: 0x3 name: bbcc position: abacccabbac years experience: 0xd5 Title: shooting Entry Count: 0x4 make: acaaabbabbac model: abaaccabbbaccbaa years experience: 0x51 length units: bccccabcccaaab Title: knives Entry Count: 0x4 model: acabcaaabcccba blade length: 0x7d length units: cbb injury: false Title: movies Entry Count: 0x3 title: baccbaaaababaa plot summary: ccaa producer: bacbbccaccbabbaabaabb Title: books Entry Count: 0x3 author: bcca made into a movie: false year: 0xe1 good book.