Welcome to the diary logger! Length: 298 Magic number: 0x4242 Future: 0x66be Offset: 0x8 Title: movies Entry Count: 0x3 title: bacbacaabbacaccbaab plot summary: aaacab year released: 0x15f6 Title: pets Entry Count: 0x5 name: abbabcabcaabaa species: ccbbbab shots updated: true legs: 0x53 inside only: false Title: jobs Entry Count: 0x3 title: bbacbaccacbbaac company: bccaabbaabbaaabb salary: 0xcd5d0ba Title: vehicles Entry Count: 0x4 make: bccabbacacccbac model: cbcccacaaca doors: 0x7f displacement: 0x65ac Title: movies Entry Count: 0x4 title: bababaca plot summary: caabc year released: 0xdfee director: cbbbaca good book.