Welcome to the diary logger! Length: 433 Magic number: 0x4242 Future: 0x6a6a Offset: 0x8 Title: songs Entry Count: 0x5 writer: cacbc free online: false year: 0x8a genre: aacaaacccbc publisher: cbca Title: songs Entry Count: 0x4 writer: aab free online: true year: 0xe4 genre: acbc Title: movies Entry Count: 0x2 title: bbbb plot summary: cbcbccbccbbbcbaaba Title: jobs Entry Count: 0x3 title: ccac company: abcbabcbcabaacacaaa salary: 0x26fe2dca Title: vehicles Entry Count: 0x4 make: aaabc model: bc doors: 0x41 displacement: 0xe49f Title: vehicles Entry Count: 0x6 make: aacccaaaaabccccaca model: caaccab doors: 0x43 displacement: 0x3edd displacement units: 0x3e color: caacaaabbc Title: identity Entry Count: 0x7 first name: ccbccacabb last name: accaacaabbbbccb age: 0xc1 married: false birth city: aaaaccbbbacccbaa weight: 0xb543 middle name: cbabaca good book.