Welcome to the diary logger!Length: 331Magic number: 0x4242Future: 0x45e2Offset: 0x8Title: petsEntry Count: 0x5name: cbbcabbabbspecies: cbcacccabbashots updated: falseage: 0x6flegs: 0x9bTitle: songsEntry Count: 0x2writer: cabafree online: trueTitle: moviesEntry Count: 0x2title: aabacaabcaccacbabcacplot summary: bacbccacaTitle: vehiclesEntry Count: 0x4make: aabbbcbmodel: bbaccaacbbaaacbccbaadoors: 0x93displacement units: 0xfeTitle: songsEntry Count: 0x2writer: acbcccbbcacfree online: falseTitle: identityEntry Count: 0x6first name: cbacalast name: caababbbaacccacbbbaaaage: 0x2ebirth country: aabbbabbmiddle name: aaaccacccbirth city: abccbgood book.