Welcome to the diary logger! Length: 332 Magic number: 0x4242 Future: 0x7c51 Offset: 0x8 Title: movies Entry Count: 0x4 title: bccabacc plot summary: abbbcabacbabacbccacbab producer: bccacabacbbcbacb director: bacacbaacbaabaac Title: vehicles Entry Count: 0x4 make: aabacbbcbcaacccaccbcaabc model: bcacbacaabcbabcbcab doors: 0xae color: aacbccbcaaacbabbcaccc Title: identity Entry Count: 0x3 first name: aabacbcaba last name: cbbbaaacabba age: 0xc0 Title: books Entry Count: 0x5 author: bacbbbaaaab made into a movie: false author: acbbcbcb character: abaaaaabacbaacb summary: abcaaa good book.