Welcome to the diary logger! Length: 587 Magic number: 0x4242 Future: 0x1dfc Offset: 0x8 Title: identity Entry Count: 0x8 first name: aabcbcbaaccbaaabcca last name: cabaaccabbaccbacbbbcab age: 0x9 birth city: bbcacaccbacaccbacccbbcb middle name: aacbbbabacbbcccaacbc birth country: b married: false weight: 0xc77f Title: identity Entry Count: 0x6 first name: acbbccbbbcaccbbabc last name: cc age: 0xf1 weight: 0x4163 middle name: acbbba married: true Title: identity Entry Count: 0x8 first name: baccaccccabbbabbbbaca last name: bbccaaccc age: 0xe7 birth country: ca birth city: abcbcbacabaccaacbcbcbc birth state: b married: true weight: 0x2b59 Title: pets Entry Count: 0x6 name: abacacb species: cbaabccabcbacb shots updated: false inside only: true age: 0x29 legs: 0xaf Title: pets Entry Count: 0x3 name: bacabba species: abbbbababbacbcbaaacaacb shots updated: true Title: jobs Entry Count: 0x6 title: caabacccbcbaac company: ccaaccabcababacabaaaa salary: 0x407ab9af years: 0x20 job category: acac title: ababbcabbaacbaccbcbbacab What is your family's last name? Congratulations, the best family! You have a great diary! good book.