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The \(\rm IO\) class provides the following methods for performing simple input and output operations:

out_string(x : String) : SELF_TYPE
out_int(x : Int) : SELF_TYPE
in_string() : String
in_int() : Int

The methods \(\rm out\_string\) and \(\rm out\_int\) print their argument, flush the standard output, and return their \(\rm self\) parameter.

The interpreter or compiler changes every \(\rm \backslash t\) to a tab and every \(\rm \backslash n\) to a newline in the argument \(\rm x\) to \(\rm out\_string\) before emitting the resulting string. Note that this is different from normal escape sequence handling, where \(\rm \backslash n\) would be a single character stored in the string. In Cool, it is two characters, but \(\rm out\_string\) prints a newline instead of \(\rm \backslash n\).

The method \(\rm in\_string\) reads a string from the standard input, up to but not including a newline character or the end of file. The newline character is consumed but is not made part of the returned string. If an error occurs then \(\rm in\_string\) returns \(\rm \LQT \RQT\), the string of length 0. Note that while literal lexical string constants are limited to size 1024, strings generated by \(\rm in\_string\) (or \(\rm String.concat\), etc.) can be of arbitrary size. There is no special processing of the two-character sequences \(\rm \backslash t\) or \(\rm \backslash n\) (or, indeed \(\it \backslash anything\)) during \(\rm in\_string\). Errors include:

The method \(\rm in\_int\) reads a single possibly-signed integer, which may be preceded by whitespace. Any characters following the integer, up to and including the next newline, are discarded by \(\rm in\_int\). If an error occurs then \(\rm in\_int\) returns 0. Errors include:

A class can make use of the methods in the \(\rm IO\) class by inheriting from \(\rm IO\). It is an error to redefine the \(\rm IO\) class.

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