Instructions for Mounting socrates.cs Filesystems Via Mac OSX To access Socrates from off-grounds (via Mac and VPN): 1. Install the Cisco VPN client, available through ITC's software central: 2. Open the Cisco VPN and connect to UVA Anywhere ITC instructions on how to do that here: 3. In the Finder toolbar, go to Go -> Connect to Server 4. In the Server Address box, type in SMB:// replace 'uvaid' with your own UVA email id (if you click the '+' button next to the Server Address box, you can save the address) 5. Click 'Connect' 6. A login screen should pop up. Use CSLAB\uvaid as your username (replacing uvaid with your own UVA email ID) Use your OLS 001 Labs password 7. You're now connected! These instructions were thoughtfully provided by Rose Zu.