Send email to your partner to get this started. The staffed lab hours are a
great place to agree to meet. This assignment is due very soon!
Not on the list? You have the opportunity to work alone. Sorry about that:
the list is based on people who submitted PS1 by 5:00pm on September 6.
If your partner drops the class or you try to contact your partner but do not
get a response by Noon Sunday, you may work alone.
If you would like a partner (e.g., because you're not on this list or because
your partner dropped), feel free to post something on the forum.
- Gerald Avon Coles, Jr (gac5sx)
Ryan O'Neal Satchell, Jr (ros7dd)
- Luke D. Barney (ldb6ue)
Barry L. Willner, Jr (blw9sn)
- Bryan Song Cheong (bsc9xy)
Chelsea Renee Kenney (crk6pt)
- Taylor Amanda Enders (tae3un)
Robert Arthur Mina (ram2aq)
- Quentin Remsen Moore (qrm6ff)
Clark William Halladay, Jr (cwh7vm)
- Alain Sejune Kim (ask5za)
Rachel Sung-Ai Chung (rsc8fc)
- Kristen Victoria Gunn (kvg2sd)
Gregory David Weiss (gdw2gu)
- John Bobchek Reiter (jbr4sg)
Steve Credo Hagengimana (sch6pj)
- Alexander Charles Coffin (acc3xa)
Russell Levine Horowitz (rlh8au)
- Alexander Paul Crocker (apc8n)
Kathryn Anne McKew (kam9ze)
- Kyle Wilson West (kww9dt)
Marisa Puli Reddy (mpr2zp)
- John Luther Rendleman, III (jlr8bd)
Alexander Son Luong (asl8ms)
- Brett Allen Kerstein (bak7su)
Daniel Francis Mace (dfm4ff)
- Da Young Lee (dl5md)
Caroline Dahmen (cd6pd)
- Melissa Hope Ryczek (mhr2wk)
Joseph Michael Woodlief (jmw5tg)
- Matthew Rain Gerber Armstrong (mra9cg)
Jee Hyun Jun (jhj4kg)
- Phillip Scott Digiacomo (psd7jc)
Esteban Emilio Amas (eea4ue)
- Melissa Collins (mc8wc)
Grayson Lee Bowie-Moran (glb8ea)
- Scott Thomas Newton (stn4at)
Tara Nair (tn3qd)
- Mike D. Mitchell (mdm7xj)
Roman Danylo Gryniv (rg3vr)
- Patrick Michael Ryan (pmr3mh)
Alexander Michael Tran (amt7hx)
- Sophia Kai-Yun Lee (skl4x)
Anthony K. Onuoha (ako3nk)
- Vy Nu Thuy Ton (vnt9fg)
Devin Alexander Brewer (dab4xg)
- Jefferson Scott Barger (jsb5uj)
Steven Young Qu (syq6gu)
- Emilia Nasser Isa (eni3bt)
Michael Lam Ly (mll4bn)
- Alison Rose Jawetz (arj2er)
Sarah Magdi Mohamed (smm8ec)
If you have questions or concerns about your partner assignment, please
email me.