If you can read these words, you are doing it correctly.
Use list-map.
string-to-baudot Hint 2:
Use string->list to convert your argument to a list, and then use list-map on it.
Check out Example 7.5 (Length) in the course book.
You could use list-append to place the cdr of the wheel at the front of your answer. Remember that list-append takes two lists as arguments. To turn X into a one-element list containing X, use (list X).
Revisit the n-times code from PS3.
Use list-map to apply rotate-wheel to every wheel in the list.
The running time of
rotate-wheel-list-by depends on both inputs
— the wheels passed in and the number of rotates, n. To
avoid confusion, use w to represent the number of
wheels, p to represent the number of positions in each wheel
(fixed as 5 in the problem set, but the procedure we defined would work
for any length), and r as the number of rotates to do (the
value passed in as n). Express your answer in terms of those
three variables.
How much work are we doing per wheel? How many wheels are there?
Running Time Hint 2:
From Example 7.4, list-append has running time in Θ(l) where l is the number of elements in the first list passed to list-append.
Running Time Hint 3:
We are doing Θ(p * r) work for each wheel, and there are w wheels.
The list-map procedure we defined only works on one list at a time, but this problem requires processing two lists at once. Ambitious students will define a twolist-map procedure that takes a procedure and two lists as its inputs. The input procedure should take two inputs. The output of twolist-map is the list that result from applying the input procedure to each of the corresponding elements from the two input lists. For example, (twolist-map + (list 1 7 3) (list 9 5 2)) should evaluate to (10 12 5).
wheel-encrypt Hint 2:The built-in map procedure already works on any number of input lists! For example, (map + (list 1 7 3) (list 9 5 2)) evaluates to (10 12 5) (so does: (map (lambda (a b) (+ a b)) (list 1 7 3) (list 9 5 2)).)
wheel-encrypt Hint 3:Use list-map to apply xor to two lists: the Baudot letter (which is just a list of bits) and the list consisting of the first part of each wheel. How can you get the first part of each wheel? map again!
This is a recursive procedure in which the base case is (null? list-of-baudots), the results are combined by (cons ...), and the recursive call is to do-lorenz with each of the four arguments modified as per the text.
do-lorenz Hint 2:
This works as the heart of the recursive call:
(do-lorenz (cdr list-of-baudots)
(rotate-wheel-list kwheels)
(if (= (car mwheel) 1) (rotate-wheel-list swheels) swheels)
(rotate-wheel mwheel))
... but you'll still need two calls to wheel-encrypt to make things
To call something on all of the numbers between 1 and 5, we might do:
(list-map (lambda (i) (something i)) (intsto 5))
brute-force-lorenz Hint 2:
To consider all pairs of numbers between 1 and 5, we might do:
(lambda (i)
(list-map (lambda (j)
(something i j))
(intsto 5)))
(intsto 5))