!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> Linguistics & Philosophy 03 Workshop Schedule

 University of Michigan

Fall 2003 Workshop in Philosophy and Linguistics
Workshop Schedule


 1. Friday, Nov. 7

         2271 Angell Hall
400-600    Herman Cappelen "Context Shifting Arguments"
                  Bruce Lacey, Jason Stanley

  2.  Saturday, Nov. 9

         Koessler Room, 3rd Floor, Michigan League
930-1130   David Beaver, "Have you noticed that your belly button lint
                              colour is related to the colour of your clothing"
                   Barbara Abbott, Craige Roberts
130-330     Nick Asher and Madison Wiilliams, "Foundations of discourse
                              structure: Varieties of dynamic semantics with discourse
                   Matthew Stone, Rich Thomason

400-600     Michael Glanzberg "Felicity and presupposition triggers"
                   Peter Lasersohn, Gregory Ward  

700-1000 or later    Dinner and Party at Thomason House

  3.  Sunday, Nov. 10

         Koessler Room, 3rd Floor, Michigan League
1000-1200  Rob van der Sandt and Emar Maier, "Denials in discourse"
                   Wayne Davis, Anthony Gillies

130-230     Wrapup Session