import java.lang.Runnable import javax.swing as swing class JESHomeworkTurninRunnable( java.lang.Runnable ): def __init__(self,text,gui): self.text = text self.gui = gui def run(self): # the second thread will create this object. # it will be queued for execution in the main UI # thread. When it gets executed, this method will be # called. if self.text == 'Done': self.gui.turninstatuswindow.dispose() elif self.text == 'Exception': self.gui.turninstatuswindow.dispose() a="An unexpected error has occurred in the turnin process.\n" b="It is likely that the program turnin has failed. Please \n" c="check your Student ID and Server inside of JES's settings \nand resubmit the assignment." self.errorWindow=swing.JFrame() swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self.gui, a+b+c, "Error - Turnin has failed", swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) else: self.gui.turninstatuslabel.setText(self.text)