- ❑ Desirata on MediaTools
- ❑ Like it says on the website, basic media capabilities
- ❑ Record sound and save to AIFF/WAV
- ❑ Include playback
- ❑ Might want to include "Show" to open the wave editor, but probably remove most of the Wave Editor functionality (e.g., setting loop points, saving to Squeak, etc.)
- ❑ Include trimming
- ❑ Dump the Tiling option
- ❑ I'd like students to be able to view sounds, as signals or as spectra or sonogram
- ❑ Maybe include access to the Magnifying Glass
- ❑ It'd be great to be able to read in an AIFF/WAV file and view it in an editor, so that they can SEE amplitude changes.
- ❑ Maybe even keep the ability to generate an FFT
- ❑ But make it a button instead of burying it in a menu as it is now
- ❑ Students need to be able to manipulate video data
- ❑ Save MPEG as a folder of JPEGs
- ❑ Play a folder of JPEGs (by converting first to JPEG-movie format, then playing the JPEG movie)
- ❑ There may be other ideas for cool things to do, e.g., loading a sound from the Web. Feel free to add to this list.
- ❑ How to build all of this
- ❑ User Interface Issues
- ❑ Hide Squeak entirely: Don't require use of World menu, halos, etc.
- ❑ There's a Preference you can set which DISABLES halos and the World menu
- ❑ You might need to place some TextMorphs around the screen to guide people what to do and how to do it.
- ❑ You might want to do Sound and Video in separate projects with project links between them (From World menu, choose new morph..., then make link to project...)
- ❑ It's going to be important that this all works even on smaller screens, say 800x600
- ❑ Squeak issues
- ❑ Under SystemDictionary (which is what Smalltalk is an instance of) look at makeExternalRelease and the abandonSources and the various discard methods for how to shrink an image
- ❑ saveAsEmbeddedImage is what merges an image and a VM. Should work on all platforms, but check
- ❑ One issue with saving embedded image is that the JPEGmovie and MPEG stuff needs a dynamically loaded primitive. Different VMs have these built in or not. I think it's built-in in Windows, but they are separate files on Macs. These will have to be in the same folder as the VM to work.