What might CS1316 look like?
This is just Mark brainstorming what CS1316 might look like.
- Dynamic data structures: Trees, graphs, lists
- Describing a graphical image with parts as nodes
- Different kinds of traversals lead to different images or different layerings of pieces
- Describing a piece of music with notes as nodes (e.g., MIDI notes or note sequences at nodes)
- Different kinds of traversals lead to different music.
- Using data structures on top of media
- Identifying elements in an image and morphing between elements
- Speeding up/slowing down media (e.g., sound and movie) to make keypoints synch up
- Creating data structures to lie on top of media: Edge detection algorithms
- User Interfaces
- Events
- User interface objects: Buttons, text areas, graphical panes, scroll bars, lists.
- Layout algorithms (relate to dynamic data structures)
- Interactive painting
- Creating a painting program
- Changing how the cursor interacts with the graphical pane and underlying picture
- Having ink "run out"
- Interacting with the color that's already there
- Implementing blurring and smearing
- Using external programs to do your work for you
- Generating scripts for ImageMagick or Maya
- Using ImageMagick and Maya to fill in the gaps
- Building large media projects
- Using objects to manage the complexity of a large project
- Using CVS to manage the complexity of multiple developers
- Storing and retrieving media with a database
- Largish project: Animation/movie, large website, animation with soundtrack, etc.
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