This will be a six part program. Each section should take no more than one day. Most will only take minutes.
Part 1 is due 9/19 and Part 6 will be due on or before 9/26.
Each part will be graded independently. Points will be deducted for late submission.
You are welcome to look for help, even from other students, but everyone should work independently and submit their own work. All commands are from lesions 1-12.
When each part is completed send the code as a inline attachment (copy and paste in body) to me at no later than 7pm.
Insert your name and the program name in the subject line.
Include any question or comments in the top of the body of your email.

When you finish you should have a game called “LuckyDice”.
It will roll two dice showing the total of the two die.
A roll of 7 or 11 (lucky numbers) will gain you 5 points but any other roll you loose 5 points.
It will show you how many times you have rolled the dice and your total score.
You will be allowed to play as many times as you like without restarting the game.

Every section should include comments to explain functions.

Computer output will be in blue for clarity here only, your output will be black.

Let's get started.

Part 1

Program name DiceGame1

Write a program that will display the results of two random number generators.
The numbers will be in the range of 1-6. You will show each number and the total.

The output should look like the following:


Welcome to the 7-11 Game

Random 1 = 3 Random 2 = 6 Total for Random numbers is = 9

Part 2

Program name DiceGame2

Now lets replace the numbers with symbols a die.
The following example line code is for the number 5 die.

There are 2 "|" and 7 "-" in this first segment
"\n|-------|\n| *   * |\n|   *   |\n| *   * |\n|-------|";
Please note there are a total of 9 characters to each segment of the 5 rows.

The finished number 5 die should look like this
(red is only for this example)

| *   * |
|   *   |
| *   * |


Now replacing the numbers with our dice we can recode the output to look something like this:

Welcome to the 7-11 Game

Random # 1 = 1 Random # 2 = 6 The Total is = 7


|       |
|   *   |
|       |

| *   * |
| *   * |
| *   * |

You rolled a - 7


Part 3

Program name DiceGame3

Add the option of playing the game over and over. (hint - remember our guessing game)
Format it to look like this:
Do you want to play again? (y for yes n for no)  (We should allow either upper or lower case here)

(hint - sample code only Yours will differ)

//Asks if the player wants to play again
for(;;)//three expressions of the for loop are optional this becomes an infinite loop
System.out.println(""); //Spacer
System.out.print("Do you want to play? (y for yes n for no) ");
play =;
    if(play.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || play.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))
    System.out.println("Only type y or n");

if(cash == 0){

Lets give everyone who plays the game 100 points to start with. This would be a good time to tell them the rules. For each roll we will add 10 points for a winning roll of a 7 or 11 but subtract 5 points for any other combination.

(hint - sample code only Yours will differ)
//Tells player if they won or not
d1PlusD2 = d1 + d2;
if(d1PlusD2 == 7 || d1PlusD2 == 11)
cash = (cash + 10);
System.out.println("You have $" + cash + ".00 left");
System.out.println("");// Spacer
System.out.println( "You rolled a - Lucky " + d1PlusD2 + " - YOU WIN $10.00 ");

else {
System.out.println("You rolled a - " + d1PlusD2 + " - Sorry you loose $5.00");
cash = (cash - 5);
System.out.println("You have $" + cash + ".00 left");

Sample output should look like this:

Do you want to play the dice game? (y for yes, n for no) y
If you roll a Lucky 7 or 11 you win 10 points but
any other roll and you loose 5 points.

| *     |
|   *   |
|     * |

| *   * |
|       |
| *   * |

You rolled a - Lucky 7 - YOU WIN 10 points
You have 110 points left

Do you want to play again? (y for yes n for no)


You rolled a - 9 - Sorry you loose 5 points
You have 105 points left

Do you want to play again? (y for yes n for no)

Part 4

Program name DiceGame4

Error trapping time. What if the input was not a "y" or "n". What if they input "yes" or "sure".
We need a way of looking to see if the input is a acceptable input before it would jump to an error.
If it is not remind them only a "y" or "n" is acceptable input.

Sample output:

Do you want to play again? (y for yes n for no) sure
Please only type y or n

Do you want to play again? (y for yes n for no)

Part 5

Program name DiceGame5

Just for fun lets make the points look like play money. Add a dolor sign and some zeros.

Sample output::

You rolled a - Lucky 7 - YOU WIN $10.00
You have $110.00 left

Part 6

New program name LuckyDice

All games have to have an ending. Show me the money and tell me how many rolls it took.

| *   * |
| *   * |
| *   * |

|       |
|   *   |
|       |

You rolled a - Lucky 7 - YOU WIN $10.00
You have $110.00 left

Do you want to play again? (y for yes n for no) n

Sample ending:

You have $110.00 in Cash
You rolled the dice 4 times

You are welcome to make additions to improve this game for Bonus points.
Note any improvements in the comments section at the top of the game.