Ideas for extending the Case Study
You can start out showing the students how to do a few of these and then leave it up to them to come up with both a new fish classes and a new non-fish class.
- Add HungryFish that eat neighboring fish when hungry. They don't eat when they aren't hungry. They will die if they get too hungry and don't eat. See Barb Ericson ericson at
- Add that a male and female fish need to be in close contact (neighbors) before a female fish can have baby fish. Barb Ericson ericson at
- Last year I had a few students modify the case study so that the fish only bred with another compatible fish. Each fish had a genetic code which consisted of two integers. The integers were the product of primes and each prime represented a specific gene. Thus you could use modulus to test for the presence of a particular gene. My students had some traits (color, size) that could be readily seen and some that couldn't. There are a any number of simple variations which can lead to some substantive learning. Greg King mathking at
- Add a mine that blows up and destroys nearby fish. Charlotte Fischer cfischer5 at
- a fish that dies and reappears after three steps ... Charlotte Fischer cfischer5 at
- Creating a BlinkFish which Blinks (or teleports) to random empty squares in the environment (or if the world is an unbounded environment will blink to within a specific range of it's current location) McAnally, Christopher McAnallyC at
- Creating a KnightFish which moves like a Knight in chess. McAnally, Christopher McAnallyC at
- Creating a MazeSolver fish which can figure out how to navigate a maze with a Stack for backtracking. I use a Plant to mark the end of the maze. McAnally, Christopher McAnallyC at
- The Game of Life is a classic MBCS Lab. McAnally, Christopher McAnallyC at
- a pirahna fish that turns anything around it to bones, then disinegrates luhiteacher2002 at
- a crazy fish whose movement is unpredictable luhiteacher2002 at
- Dr. Suess starts out as one fish, then goes to two fish, then to a red fish, then a blue fish luhiteacher2002 at
- sleeping fish luhiteacher2002 at
- an eel that stuns the fish luhiteacher2002 at
- a bomb that destroys a certain area of the environment luhiteacher2002 at
- a hippie fish that turns colors and when it comes into contact with another fish, it makes it a hippie too luhiteacher2002 at
- create a sick fish that gets other fish sick