June 1 - June 4, 2010 - Adventures in Animation I (LEGO NXT and Alice)
Adventures in Animation Videos - June 1 - 4th 2010
Alice Projects - June 1 - 4th 2010
Tues, June 1st 9am - 3pm
Wed, June 2nd 9am - 3pm
- 15 minutes - Introduce the kids to the rescue competition from RoboCupJr. and challenge them to try to identify the victims (by stopping and playing a tune) as they navagate through the course following the black line. They will have to try to find the line again when it disappears.
- 2.25 hours - work on the rescue challenge or work on a longer dance.
- lunch
- Swimming in the afternoon
Thurs, June 3rd 9am - 3pm
Friday, June 4th 9am - 3pm (parent show at 2:00pm)
- 15 minutes - Talk to the students about storyboarding - planning out your movie or story
- 15 minutes - Show the students how to save out a new class in Alice (see http://home.cc.gatech.edu/TeaParty/57 SaveClassWithNewName.mp4)
- 1.5 hours - work on their stories and have the students work in groups to design the story as a storyboard
- 30 minutes CS Unplugged card trick (error detection http://www.csunplugged.org/error-detection)
- lunch
- 15 minutes - post surveys: http://findings.es-post-survey.sgizmo.com?school=GT&workshop=Adventures06012010
- 1.25 hours - Have each student create methods for a class and save it out as a new class. Put all the new classes together in one world to tell the story. If they get done early you can even have them add a class from another group.
- 1 hour - have the students show off their Alice stories and robot dances and/or rescue to the parents. Give out the ACM career brochures.
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- Summer Camps 2010 last edited on 4 February 2011 at 1:32 pm by cc-vpn-admin130.cc.gatech.edu