public class WolfAttackMovie { /** * The root of the scene data structure **/ Branch sceneRoot; /** * FrameSequence where the animation * is created **/ FrameSequence frames; /** * The nodes we need to track between methods **/ MoveBranch wolfentry, wolfretreat, hero; /** * Return the sceneRoot * @return sceneRoot **/ public Branch root(){ return sceneRoot;} /** * Set up all the pieces of the tree. **/ public void setUp(){ Picture wolf = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("dog-blue.jpg")); Picture house = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("house-blue.jpg")); Picture tree = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg")); Picture monster = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("monster-face3.jpg")); //Make the forest MoveBranch forest = new MoveBranch(10,400); // forest on the bottom HBranch trees = new HBranch(50); // Spaced out 50 pixels between BlueScreenNode treenode; for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) // insert 8 trees {treenode = new BlueScreenNode(tree.scale(0.5)); trees.addChild(treenode);} forest.addChild(trees); // Make the cluster of attacking "wolves" wolfentry = new MoveBranch(10,50); // starting position VBranch wolves = new VBranch(20); // space out by 20 pixels between BlueScreenNode wolf1 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5)); BlueScreenNode wolf2 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5)); BlueScreenNode wolf3 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5)); wolves.addChild(wolf1);wolves.addChild(wolf2);wolves.addChild(wolf3); wolfentry.addChild(wolves); // Make the cluster of retreating "wolves" wolfretreat = new MoveBranch(400,50); // starting position wolves = new VBranch(20); // space them out by 20 pixels between wolf1 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5).flip()); wolf2 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5).flip()); wolf3 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5).flip()); wolves.addChild(wolf1);wolves.addChild(wolf2);wolves.addChild(wolf3); wolfretreat.addChild(wolves); // Make the village MoveBranch village = new MoveBranch(300,450); // Village on bottom HBranch hhouses = new HBranch(40); // Houses are 40 pixels apart across BlueScreenNode house1 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house2 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house3 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); VBranch vhouses = new VBranch(-50); // Houses move UP, 50 pixels apart BlueScreenNode house4 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house5 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house6 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); vhouses.addChild(house4); vhouses.addChild(house5); vhouses.addChild(house6); hhouses.addChild(house1); hhouses.addChild(house2); hhouses.addChild(house3); hhouses.addChild(vhouses); // Yes, a VBranch can be a child of an HBranch! village.addChild(hhouses); // Make the monster hero = new MoveBranch(400,300); BlueScreenNode heronode = new BlueScreenNode(monster.scale(0.75).flip()); hero.addChild(heronode); //Assemble the base scene sceneRoot = new Branch(); sceneRoot.addChild(forest); sceneRoot.addChild(village); sceneRoot.addChild(wolfentry); } /** * Render just the first scene **/ public void renderScene() { Picture bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg);; } /** * Render the whole animation **/ public void renderAnimation() { frames = new FrameSequence("C:/Temp/");; Picture bg; // First, the nasty wolvies come closer to the poor village // Cue the scary music for (int i=0; i<25; i++) { // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); // Tweak the data structure wolfentry.moveTo(wolfentry.getXPos()+5,wolfentry.getYPos()+10); } // Now, our hero arrives! this.root().addChild(hero); // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); // Remove the wolves entering, and insert the wolves retreating this.root().children.remove(wolfentry); this.root().addChild(wolfretreat); // Make sure that they retreat from the same place that they were at wolfretreat.moveTo(wolfentry.getXPos(),wolfentry.getYPos()); // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); // Now, the cowardly wolves hightail it out of there! // Cue the triumphant music for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); // Tweak the data structure wolfretreat.moveTo(wolfretreat.getXPos()-10,wolfretreat.getYPos()-20); } } /** * Replay the animation **/ public void replay() { // Probably about 5 frames per second will work frames.replay(200); } public static void main(String[]args){ WolfAttackMovie wam = new WolfAttackMovie(); wam.setUp(); wam.renderAnimation(); wam.replay(); } }