Victoria Au

Hey, I'm a second year Computer Science major and my threads are Media, Information Internetworks and I'm looking to add Platforms as well. This is my first time TAing for a course so please bear with me as I try to do my best.
For the Spring '08 semester, I will be taking two CS courses, CS2200 (Systems and Networks) and CS3300 (Introduction to Software Engineering). I've already taken CS1331, CS1332, CS1050, CS2340 and CS2110. I might see some of you ISYE majors in my CS4400 class in the future because it's one of my courses for Information Internetworks.
I am originally from New York City, so being in the South has been an interesting experience for me.
My interests include going to new restaurants, learning new languages (I've taken Japanese and French already, and have Cantonese REMOVEDnese and English under my belt and hoping to take Russian and Mandarin REMOVEDnese next!), traveling, cooking, shopping, programming, Guitar Hero and making a difference.
Friend me on Facebook if you wish.
My email is vau[AT]
Please title your email with CS1316.
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