HW8 Grading Criteria-Summer 2007
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-30pts if done individually without a partner.
-10pts for including FileChooser.setMediaPath or for including hardcoded Picture paths.
Submission and Attempting (14 pts)
- (5pts) Submission contains all necessary materials to run solution.
- (4pts) Java files included
- (5pts) Submission contains a word file analyzing results
Syntax and Style (10 pts)
- (5 pts) Submission compiles without any errors.
- (5 pts) Files contain appropriate comments including the names and prism IDs of both partners. Comments also explain each section of code.
Execution (5 pts)
- (5 pts) Code runs without any runtime errors.
- (-0 pts) No points off for ConcurrentModificationErrors
Functionality (53 pts)
- (7 pts) Zombies and normal persons wander randomly under normal circumstances
- (8 pts) A person behaves as described in the homework description during a zombie attack
- (8 pts) A zombie behaves as described in the homework description during a zombie attack
- (8 pts) A person turns into a zombie as described in the homework description.
- (11 pts) A special tactical maneuver is implemented correctly with explanation
- (11 pts) A second special tactical maneuver is implemented correctly with explanation
Analysis of Results (23 pts)
- (18 pts) Word file contains 9 graphs (3 for each set)
- (-2 pts) For each missing graph
- (5 pts) Discretionary textual description of the results and what changed from each run including having averages.
TA discretionary Extra Credit (+1-10 pts)
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