Pre-Quiz4-Summer 2007
1. UML Diagram 1
Answer the Questions below about the UML diagram here: (Assume that all instance variables have public access +)

A. Instances of which classes have a field (instance variable) named address?
B. Do HourlyEmployee instance have Offices?
C. By what name do instances of the class Office know their Building instances?
D. REMOVEDst all the fields (instance variables) of a SalariedEmployee.
E. REMOVEDst all the classes whose instances can use the method fire().
F. REMOVEDst all of the instance variables in Person
G. REMOVEDst all of the instance variables in HourlyEmployee
H. REMOVEDst all of the instance variables in Office instances
I. Instances of what classes can use the method hire()?
J. How many Offices of a Building can exist?
K. How many Buildings are associated with a given Office?
2. UML Diagram 2
Answer the questions below about the UML diagram here(Assume that all instance variables have public access +):
A. Which classes understand the method eat()?
B. Which classes have a phoneNumber?
C. Which classes understand the method chewToy()?
D. How many Dogs can each DogOwner have (min and max)?
E. Which classes have a name?
Questions? Answers? Post them on Questions on Pre-Quiz4-Summer 2007
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