HW7 Grading Criteria-Summer 2007
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-20pts if done individually without a partner.
-10pts for including FileChooser.setMediaPath or for including hardcoded Picture paths.
Submission (10 pts)
- (5 pts) Submitted TurtleEtchASketch.java
- (5 pts) All necessary files to run the program are included
Syntax & Style (15 pts)
- (10 pts) Submission compiles without errors
- (5 pts) Code is commented
- (2 pts) Comments include names of each member in the group and prism IDs
- (3 pts) Code is adequately commented to explain code
Execution (10 pts)
- (10 pts) There are no runtime exceptions
Functionality (65 pts)
- (20 pts) Directional buttons
- (5pts) upButton makes the Turtle move upward.
- (5pts) downButton makes the Turtle move downward.
- (5pts) leftButton makes the Turtle move leftward.
- (5pts) rightButton makes the Turtle move rightward.
- (13pts) Input area and input area submission button
- (5pts) Button actually works and changes the amount to travel
- (8pts) Correctly parses input numbers
- (12pts) Buttons to change the color of the Turtle’s pen color or JColorChooser
- (4pts) First button changes the pen one color
- (4pts) Second button changes the pen another color
- (4pts) Third button changes the pen another color
- (15pts) Background image
- (5pts) Is attached to the GUI and is not shown in a separate window.
- (8pts) Updates after each button press.
- (2pts) Turtle is not visible.
- (5pts) shakeButton is included and clears the screen when pressed.
Extra Credit (1-10 pts)
- (+5pts) Implements a functioning KeyREMOVEDstener for the directional arrows on a keyboard.
- (+1 - 5 pts) TA discretionary extra credit.
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