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Pre-Quiz2-Summer 2007

Summer 2007 Pre-Quiz pdf version

1. Consider the following code
public abstract class Animal {

  public abstract boolean isExtinct();
  public String toString() { return "An animal";}

public class Dinosaur extends Animal {
  public static final Dinosaur BARNEY = new Dinosaur();

  public boolean isExtinct() {
    return true;

(a) Which of the following declarations are valid? Check all that apply. [4 points]
(i) Animal dino = new Dinosaur();
(ii) Dinosaur dino = new Dinosaur();
(iii) Animal anne = new Animal();
(iv) Dinosaur anne = new Animal();

(b) Given a Dinosaur dave, what do the following commands return when typed in the Dr. Java interactions pane? [3 points]
(i) dave.toString()
(ii) dave.isExtinct()
(iii) dave

(c) How would you refer to BARNEY in the following? [1 point]

2. Suppose we have a linked list of books in a library and the books are defined as follows:
public class BookElement {
  private String bookDetails = "";
  private BookElement next = null;

  public String getDetails() {return this.bookDetails;}
  public BookElement getNext() {return;}
  public void setDetails(String details) {this.bookDetails = details;}
  public void setNext(BookElement be) { = be;}


Write a method length() that returns the length of the list that starts at this by filling in the code template below. [10 points]
public int length() {

  // Hint: Initialize number here.
  // Also, you need a current element, starting at this.

  // Hint: Then comes the standard while loop for the traversal

  while (_________________________________________) {

    // Hint: do something inside the loop that helps you count.

    // Hint: do something so that the loop doesn't repeat for ever.

  return number

3. A model is not the same as reality, but always simplifies some aspects of reality. JMusic is a powerful way to model music computationally, but it is still a model. Give ONE way in which JMusic seems to simplify music. [2 points]

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