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TA Office Hours-Summer 2007

Not sure who has office hours when?

Unless otherwise noted, all office hours are held in the CoC Commons. Just walk past your recitation room (CoC 101) and keep going until you see the benches.

Since my schedule is highly variable, please check the soap box and announcements page for any changes to my office hours. I will typically try to give at least 48 hour notices for any changes. Thanks Dawn Finney.

10:30    Dawn Finney
11:00    Dawn Finney
11:30    Dawn Finney
12:00   Dawn Finney 
12:30   Dawn Finney 
1:00   Dawn Finney 
1:30 Student480Colin PottsStudent480 
2:00 Student480Colin PottsStudent480 
2:30Colin PottsStudent480Colin PottsStudent480 
2:40Class Class  
3:00Class Class  
3:30Class Class  
4:00Class Class  
4:30Colin Potts Student487  
5:00Colin Potts Student487  
5:30  Student487  
6:00Recitation A1 Recitation A2  
6:30Recitation A1 Recitation A2  
7:00Recitation A1 Recitation A2  
7:30Recitation A1 Recitation A2  
7:45Recitation A1 Recitation A2  

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