HW7 Criteria-Spring 2007
-20% if worked on alone
Attempting and Submission (10 pts)
- 5 pts - Submitted MidiTool file
- (-5) - It's not a .java file
- (-3) - named something else
- 5 pts - file extends or creates a JFrame
Syntax & Style (15 pts)
- 10 pts - Submission compiles without errors
- (-5 pts) per error up to -10 pts max
- 5 pts - Code is commented
- 2 pts - comments include student's name and GT-email address
- 3 pts - each section of code is commented to explain code
Execution (10 pts)
- 10pts - no runtime errors or bugs
Functionality (65 pts)
- 15 pts - Has a MakeNode button that takes the string and creates a Phrase.
- (-10) Incorrectly makes Phrase due to parsing or other errors
- 10 pts - Has a PlayNode button that plays the node just made.
- 10 pts - Has a ClearSequence button that clears the sequence.
- 10 pts - Has a RepeatInSequence button that takes the Node and repeat it into the sequence.
- (-5) - Incorrectly parses the number of times to repeat.
- 10 pts - Has a WeaveInSequence button that weaves the node into the sequence (every other until the end).
- (-5) - Incorrectly weaves the node
- 10 pts - Has a PlaySequence button that plays the sequence.
Extra Credit (5 pts)
- 5 pts - Has a SaveSequence button that writes the MIDI to a file.
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