Sarah Tursell

I am a fourth year graduating (Hooray!) CS major and my specialization is in networking. I am the TA for the A3 section of CS1316 (4:30-6:00) but I am more than willing to help any of you. This is my first semester as a TA.
* Please do not send e-mail to my gtg account. It will get lost and go unanswered. Also make sure you include CS1316 in the title somewhere. *
Office Hours: CoC Commons Tuesday 3:30-5:00pm and Wednesday 7:00-8:30pm
Random Things About Me
- Originally from Maryland
- President of the GT Women's Volleyball Club
- Member of Omega Phi Alpha
- I spend way too much of my time as part of the GT Marching Band
- Volleyball is my one true love followed very closely by Football
- Don't talk to me about Basketball, I don't know anything
- The Baltimore Ravens are the only important team in the NFL
- I always cheer for the Baltimore Orioles even though they continually suck.
- Huge OAR fan
- Has a younger sister
- Currently owns a brand new Wii and loves it!
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