Submission and Attempting(10 pts)
5pts - Submission contained .java files (-5 for .java~ files)
5pts - Submission contained a word file analyzing results
Syntax and Style(15 pts)
5 pts - Submission compiles without any errors.
10 pts - java files contain appropiate comments including student name and gt number. And comments explain each section of code
(-4) No name or GT num(-2 for each)
(-6) Discretionary for bad commenting
Execution(5 pts)
5 pts - Code runs without any runtime errors.
No penalty points for ConcurrentModification Error
Functionality(45 pts)
Upon calling setUp()
3 pts - Create a dozen deer and three wolves to start
3 pts - Create three dozen pieces of corn
Upon calling run()
3 pts - Deer can smell wolves and will move away from them
5 pts - Wolves can smell deer and will move to them, kill the deer, and eat it
5 pts - Deer can smell corn and move to it, then eats the corn
3 pts - Deer's speed drops by half when expected
5 pts - Deer dies when expected
3 pts - Wolves' speed drop by half when expected
5 pts - Wolves die when expected
5 pts - Corn grows and have two more children when expected
5 pts - The results are written to the output files
Note: students may have modified the rules and results should resemble what is described in the comments within code and the word document
Analysis of Results(25 pts)
15 pts - Word file contains 9 graphs (3 for each set)
(-3) For each missing (up to -15)
10 pts - Discretionary textual description of the results and what changed from each run.
Extra Credit(5 pts)
+5 pts - Implement male and female Deer as described in the HW description
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Homework Grading criteria-Fall 2006
last edited on 27 December 2006 at 5:19 pm by 24-241-99-170.static.stls.mo.charter.com