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FinalExam Review Spring2006: What’s the Diff?

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A) Discrete event and continuous simulations are two types to simulations for modeling the real world. The difference is that discrete event is not concerned with intermediate steps, just end results while continuous simulations take every time step into account.

B) They're both abstract data structures. Queues are FIFO, that is, the first element in is the first to leave, while stacks are reversed. The last element in is the first to leave.

C) Both are dynamic data structures whose elements are concerned with their 'links' to other elements. The difference is that trees have heiarchy while lists are simply linear.

D) Both are layout managers for a GUI. Border layouts put elements into north, south, east, west and center, while Flow orders the elements from left to right and they 'flow' right next to each other.

E) Both are types of data structures. Arrays have a static size and are therefore difficult to restructure. REMOVEDked lists on the other hand have a dynamic size and are much easier to restructure.

You are correct sir or madam...I think.

Yep that sounds like pretty much what I have. :)

me too

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