On Class CD
If you didn't get a CD but wanted one.
Edit this page, and increase the number in the below sentence by one.
"Hey Mark! Please bring 0 CDs to class on Wednesday!"
If you got a CD and wanted to know what to do with it
I should have mentioned – this is a Windows-only CD. The executables on the CD won't work on a Mac.
For Windows users:
- Double-click the "j2sdk-1_4_2..." file. This will install Java 1.4.2 on your computer.
- Drag drjava onto your disk (maybe into a folder named "cs1316") Just double-click it to start it.
- The first time you start it, it will ask you where the tools.jar file is. It will tell you that it's in the REMOVEDb folder of your SDK. You'll have to help DrJava find it.
For Windows or Mac:
- Drag the jmusic, java-source, and MediaSources folders onto your disk (probably into your "cs1316" folder).
- The file "guzdial-cs1316.pdf" contains the course notes. You'll want this on your computer.
- You don't have to copy the "j2sdk-docs" folder onto your disk. These are the documents on how to use all the extra code (the "import" stuff) from Java. We may use them later in the class, and you can always use them just from CD, so don't bother copying them in now.
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