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Midterm exam 1 review Sp2006: What do they do?

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Method A:
Creates a negative or inverse image of the entire picture.
Method B:
Creates a negative image of half of the picture, starting from the middle and going to the right edge.
Example, if O rerpresents pixels left as their original color and N is pixels that are negated:
Method C:
The top half of the image is negated, starting from y=0 (that's the top) and moving down towards the middle.

I think those are right...

Uploaded Image: swanMA.jpegYouUploaded Image: swanMB.jpegGotUploaded Image: swanMC.jpegIt (nj Jim)
Here are the pictures that come out when you run class Picture methodA(), methodB(), and methodC()
Michael Campbell

That's what I was thinking! I concur. :)

I'm sorry if this sounds kind of slow, but when int x=0, does it start from a pixel in the top corner or the bottom corner of the picture?

It's starts counting in the bottom corner I believe, just like a graph would.

Sorry, but I think you're wrong, person who posted before me. Java looks at pixels from top to bottom, so the first point of (0,0) would be the top left hand corner. The x-values increase towards the right, and the y-values increase going down. From a graphing perspective, its like using the the (x, -y) plot, except y isn't negative.

Correct, person above me. Remember cartesian graph quadrants?
Q2 | Q1
Q3 | Q4
It's like you're drawing in the 4th quadrant, if that helps...

Yup, upper left hand corner is (0,0). X's increase from left to right, and Y's increase from top to bottom. Mark Guzdial

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