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FinalExam Review Sp2005: Finding Max for Two Structures

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I'm not sure where to start on this one, could you maybe direct me to which powerpoint slides may be helpful for this question?
Nope – this is one where you just have to think about it and do it. Think about last() Mark Guzdial

public void findMax(int [] array){

int largestindex=0, largestvalue=array[0];

for (int x=1; x<array.getLength(); x++){
System.out.println("the largest value is" + largestvalue + ", and it's at position " +largestindex);}

:/ it can't be that simple can it
Yes it can.

public void findMax(intNode head){

intNode current=head,next;
int index=0,largestindex=0,largestvalue=head.getValue;

System.out.println("the largest value is" + largestvalue + ", and it's at position " +largestindex);}

Did you try these yet? Mark Guzdial

Maybe i am losing my mind due to lack of sleep, but if want to test out this void method where do we do it. Or do we just make a whole new class?
For A., you'd probably make a new class and try it there. For B, you'd have to actually implement intNode, but that should be pretty easy for you now (especially open DrJava and open notes :-) Mark Guzdial

Doesn anyone know if those two methods are indeed a correct way to solve the problem? I see Professor guzdial mentioned "last()" in his first satement. Maybe there is another way to solve these problems.
last() as an example of how to walk a linked list. These look pretty cood to me. Mark Guzdial

On the last one, doesnt it need to be "largestindex = index+1" b/c you are getting the value of the next, not the current?

well, i don't think so, i increased the index at the beginning of the loop for that reason. it's already representing the next node, if "head" is at position 0

I didn't even notice that, i was looking at my code where i had the index++ at the bottom, my bad.

I don't understand part B.

for B. you have to traverse the REMOVEDkeList with "current =;" but each time evaluating the int-value with "current.getValue()" and if(current.getValue > what is stored as largest value) then set largestValue to "current.getValue()" and keep traversing till node.getNext == null (the end).


makes a little more sense to me after I read this: Assume that IntNode inherits from LLNode, and each IntNode contains a int instance variable named value, which you should access through the public int accessor getValue().

right. each intNode has a value (current.getValue()) which stores its integer and a next ( for traversing the linked list.

Good discussion!

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