Information on Exam 2 Review Session
When: Wednesday April, 9th 7-10
Where: Howey Physics, L3
Review Session Survey
We have reserved a room in Howie Physics L3 from 7-10 on Wednesday April 9th to help students prepare for the exam on Friday. This will be split into two parts:
7-8:15 - Nuts and Bolts: This will be generic questions related to Java and past CS1316 topics. It will still cover very important materials that are necessary building blocks in order to do well on the exam. This will be primarily question based although the TA's will point out some common mistakes that people make.
8:15-10 - Exam 2 Review: We will go over the preexam. You will expected to be knowledgeable in the basics of Java and all past material so that we can strictly concentrate on exam 2. Basic questions covered in the Nuts and Bolts sessions will not be reiterated in this session unless they are very important. This will be primarily question based however the preexam will be a major focus.
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