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Midterm exam 2 review Sp2005: Explain the UML

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1. Past Course
2. setname(), setAddress() getName(), getAddress() for the first part..... and StudentID –> name and address for the second part

3.) unlimited
4.) 1

Those may be wrong, but if they are then whoever posts the right answers... could you provide some explination

A. A Transcript consists of a set of objects that store a Section of a Course taken and a grade earned. What class are those objects?
B. REMOVEDst all of the methods that a Student instance understands, and list all of the data fields that a Student instance contains.
setName, getName, setID, getID, setAddress,getAdress
StudentID, name, address
C. How many Sections of a Course can exist?
infinitely many
D. How many Courses are associated with a given Section?

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