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Midterm exam 2 review Sp2005: What's My Data Structure?

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a. array: [_][_][_][_]
b. linked list: [_] -> [_] -> [_] -> [_]
c. matrices?: ?
d. graphs?: ?
e. circular: ?
f. tree:
         V  V
       [_] [_]
      V    V V
     [_] [_] [_]

not sure how b-e look :-\

for circular, the last entry points to the first (hard to draw with text)
A graph can have nodes that point to more than one other node, kind of like the strings of a net.
A matrix is just like in math...or rather, it's got two indices...rows and columns
   1 2 3
 1 [][][]
 2 [][][]
 3 [][][]

A. "Right, so it takes a while to insert or delete in my middle, but you can't possibly get to a specific piece of me faster!"
B. "Insert and delete into the middle are really fast with me, but I don't DO complexity – no hierarchy for me!"
linked list
C. "I'm like my sister that you met early, but she's so one-dimensional, while twice as sophisticated, er, complex!"
D. "Got a bunch of streets and highways you're modeling? I'm your data structure!"
E. "You can insert and delete in me, but don't try to find all of me. I'm well-rounded."
F. "Organization chart? Sentence diagrams? Verses and chorus in a song? Structure of a scene? I'm your structure!"

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