Tuesday, April 10, 2007  
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Reports: Summary and Detail
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Started Survey:  3/2/2007 12:14:31 PM Ended Survey:  3/20/2007 1:54:29 PM  
1. Summary Information
1. Organization Name
Darton College
2. Contact Name
Rani Singh
3. Contact Email
4. Contact Phone Number
5. How much money are you requesting? We do not plan to give more than $5,000 to any one organization.
6. Please give a short justification for the money you are requesting. What will it be used for?
PICO Cricket 9 @ 250.00 = 2250.00 LEGO Robots 9 @ 250.00 = 2250.00 Scholarships 12 @ 50.00 = 600.00 Full Scholarship 3 @ 275.00 = 825.00 Advertisement Cost 75.00 Albany is a poor area. Partial scholarship and full scholarships will help more women and minority students to attend the camp.
7. What is your goal for the percentage of minorities?
30 %
8. What is your goal for the percentage of girls/women?
25 %
9. What is your plan for recruiting girls/women and minorities (e.g., where will you advertise)?
We will advertise at the local middle schools , YMCA , Girl Scout, Boys and Girls club.
10. What is your goal for the percentage of scholarships (we are looking for at least 20-25%)?
Approximatly 30 %
11. How will you use equipment from the camps during the school year (lending libraries, work with Girl Scouts, etc).
Lending Libraries, day workshop with school kids on campus.
12. Are you looking for outside funding for your scholarships?
13. What material is your organization providing? This can be space, computers, robots, etc.
Computer classroom, another room, Digital Camera, Projector, Nametags.
14. How many days will you have some recreation (like bowling or swimming)?
end of everyday(1 - 2 hours)
2. Middle School Camp Information
15. Who will lead each camp?
16. What fee are you charging?
275.00 for two weeks
17. What activities will you include in your summer camps?
LEGO Mindstorms NXT robots
PICO Crickets
18. What is your maximum number of students per camp?
19. How many students will there be per assistant?
20. Is there anything else you wish to tell us about your middle school camps?
It will be a two week camp. Camp will end with a recreation activity for the day. ( Swimming, tour of campus, gym etc.)
3. High School Camp Information
21. Who will lead each camp?
22. What fee are you charging?
23. What activities will you include in your summer camps?
24. What is your maximum number of students per camp?
25. How many students will there be per assistant?
26. In the high school camps are you doing a session on admission?
27. In the high school camps are you doing a tour of campus for students and/or parents?
28. Is there anything else you wish to tell us about your high school camps?
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