// DrJava saved history v2 String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:\southbeach.jpg");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:\\southbeach.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture p = new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// p = new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:southbeach.jpg");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:\\southbeach.jpg");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("tammy.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture p = new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// p.explore();//End of Interaction// p.posterise();//End of Interaction// p.explore;//End of Interaction// p.explore();//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("tammy.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture p = new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// p.explore;//End of Interaction// p.explore();//End of Interaction// p.posterise();//End of Interaction// p.explore();//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("kid-in-frame.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture kid= new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// String background = FileChooser.getMediaPath("bgframe.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture oldBack = nuew Picture(background);//End of Interaction// oldBack = new Picture(background);//End of Interaction// String moon = FileChooser.getMediaPath("moon-surface.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture moonBack = new Picture (moon);//End of Interaction// kid.show();//End of Interaction// kid.swapBackground(oldBack, moonBack);//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("kid-in-frame.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture kid= new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// String background = FileChooser.getMediaPath("bgframe.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture oldBack = nuew Picture(background);//End of Interaction// Picture oldBack = new Picture(background);//End of Interaction// String moon = FileChooser.getMediaPath("moon-surface.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture moonBack = new Picture (moon);//End of Interaction// kid.swapBackground(oldBack, moonBack);//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("kid-in-frame.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture kid= new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// String background = FileChooser.getMediaPath("bgframe.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture oldBack = new Picture(background);//End of Interaction// String moon = FileChooser.getMediaPath("moon-surface.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture moonBack = new Picture (moon);//End of Interaction// kid.swapBackground(oldBack, moonBack);//End of Interaction// kid.show();//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:\\");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h://");//End of Interaction// file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h://");//End of Interaction// ch.jpg//End of Interaction// CH.jpg//End of Interaction// Picture moonBack = new Picture (moon);//End of Interaction// p.show.jpg//End of Interaction// Picture p = new Picture();//End of Interaction// ch.jpg//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h://");//End of Interaction// Picture p = new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:\\");//End of Interaction// p = new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:/");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("h:/");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("H:/");//End of Interaction// FileChooser.setMediaPath("H:/");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("ch.jpg");//End of Interaction// p = new Picture(file);//End of Interaction// p.explore();//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.getMediaPath("background.jpg");//End of Interaction// Sring me = (h:\ch.jpg");//End of Interaction// String me = (h:\ch.jpg");//End of Interaction// String me = ("h:\ch.jpg");//End of Interaction// String me = "h:\CH.jpg;//End of Interaction// String me = "h:\CH.jpg";//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("h:\");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("h:/");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("H:/");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("H:\");//End of Interaction// String me ="h:\CH.jpg";//End of Interaction// String me ="h:/CH.jpg";//End of Interaction// Picture myPic = new Picture(CH.jpg);//End of Interaction// myPic = new Picture(CH.jpg);//End of Interaction// String me = "h:/CH.jpg";//End of Interaction// Picture myPic = new Picture("CH.jpg");//End of Interaction// String back = FileChooser.getMediaPath("background.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture backPIc = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// Picture backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// String back = FileChooser.getMediaPath("moon-surface.jpg");//End of Interaction// back = FileChooser.getMediaPath("moon-surface.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("h:\");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("d:\intro-prog-java/mediasources/");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("d:\\intro-prog-java/mediasources/");//End of Interaction// FileChooser.setMediaPath("d:\\intro-prog-java/mediasources/");//End of Interaction// backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// back = FileChooser.getMediaPath("moon-surface.jpg");//End of Interaction// backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// myPic.show();//End of Interaction// myPic.cromakey(backPic);//End of Interaction// myPic.show();//End of Interaction// String me = "h:/CH.jpg";//End of Interaction// Picture myPic = new Picture("CH.jpg");//End of Interaction// String file = FileChooser.setMediaPath("d:\\intro-prog-java/mediasources/");//End of Interaction// FileChooser.setMediaPath("d:\\intro-prog-java/mediasources/");//End of Interaction// Picture backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// Picture backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// String back = FileChooser.getMediaPath("moon-surface.jpg");//End of Interaction// Picture backPic = new Picture(back);//End of Interaction// myPic.cromakey(backPic);//End of Interaction// myPic.show();//End of Interaction//