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Mirror diagonal method

See Diagonal Mirror Questions for what diagonal mirroring means

   * Method to mirror around a diagonal line from width-1,0 to 0,height-1
  public void mirrorDiagonal()
    Pixel leftPixel = null; // left of diagonal line
    Pixel rightPixel = null; // right of diagonal line
    int width = getWidth(); // the width of this picture
    int height = getHeight(); // the height of this picture
    // if the width is greater than the height reset width to height
    if (width > height)
      width = height;
    // else if the height is greater than the width use width for height
    else if (height > width)
      height = width;
    // get last x and y for the mirroring
    int lastX = width - 1; // last valid x index
    int maxX = lastX;
    int lastY = height - 1; // last valid y index
    // loop through the rows (from 0 to max Y)
    for (int y = 0; y < lastY; y++,maxX--)
      // loop through the columns
      for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++)
        leftPixel = getPixel(x,y);
        rightPixel = getPixel((lastX - y), (lastY - x));

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