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Comments on Week of 28 Feb 2005

We were just wonderin'....

Inquiring Minds...well, you know...

It's up! PreQuiz for 4March2005 Quiz

question on today's lecture: when the collect method enters a branch it seemed to collect sounds backwards. is this true? why does it happen like that?

Can you point out where that seems to happen? It doesn't in actual practice – it gathers them from the end forwards, e.g., this.mySound.append( Mark Guzdial

you're right.

of course you are what am i saying?

I just have a general issue with DrJava.... when I used your code for WolfAttackMovie, it produced all the frames, except... they're all blank! Any ideas? I can always wait until recitation to bug someone about it in person, too :-)
VERY Weird! Bring it to class or office hours? Mark Guzdial

homework 5 was harder than the previous ones - since it was meatier -and took a lot more individual thinking on my part... but i feel like i understand java a bit better
EXCELLENT! That's the idea! HW6 is hard because of the need for individual effort, but not as much detail in lists and trees. Mark Guzdial

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