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Comments on Week of 21 Feb 2005

What do you think?

REMOVEDke it? Hate it? Wish it were faster? Wish it were easier?

Let us have it!

As promised, reverse() for LayeredSceneElement repaired – the fix we did in class worked.
   * Reverse the list starting at this, 
   * and return the last element of the list.
   * The last element becomes the FIRST element
   * of the list, and THIS goes to null.
    public LayeredSceneElement reverse() {
    LayeredSceneElement reversed, temp;
    // Handle the first node outside the loop
    reversed = this.last();
    while (this.getNext() != null)
      temp = this.last();
    // Now put the head of the old list on the end of
    // the reversed list.
    // At this point, reversed 
    // is the head of the list
    return reversed;

Here's a method to test it. Mark Guzdial
public class TestLayeredSceneElement{
  public static void main(String [] args){
    Picture bg = new Picture(400,400);
    Picture bg2 = new Picture(400,400);
    LayeredSceneElement dog1 = new LayeredSceneElement(
                                                        new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("dog-blue.jpg")),10,5);
    LayeredSceneElement tree2 = new LayeredSceneElement(
                                                        new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg")),10,10);
    LayeredSceneElement house = new LayeredSceneElement(
                                                        new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("house-blue.jpg")),10,10);
    dog1.setNext(tree2); tree2.setNext(house);
    dog1.drawFromMeOn(bg);; // So, old one should be on bottom -- dog on bottom
    LayeredSceneElement rev = dog1.reverse();
    rev.drawFromMeOn(bg2);; // new one should have dog on top


HW5 turned out to be awesome. it took a long time to figure out but i understand linked lists so much more. we should probably have better pragmatic experience with the declarations the define a class and how to use them in methods the right way. it took me the most time to figure out that mess.

That's great to hear, and very useful advice to me. THANKS! We'll work more on declarations that define a class and that define a method. Mark Guzdial

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