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Questions on HW3-Sp2005

Questions on the Audio Collage?

has no one started the hw yet? lol. jk. no one has questions because everyone gets it perfectly.

Maybe some folks are done already? Mark Guzdial

What if I want to try to make a song that doesn't follow an obvious pattern. Is it alright if my discernible audio pattern is a simple alternating of loud and quiet volumes?
Ex: So, take your favorite song and splice it up into a couple wav files, and the first clip would be loud, the 2nd of the next .wav splice would be soft, then the next .wav file loud, then soft, etc... Will this fit the criteria?

Not exactly, but if you can explain a bit more to me about what you're doing, it could be okay. The main things I want you to do in this HW are (a) compose multiple sounds and (b) create larger sound elements that you then compose together. Mark Guzdial

I must be a complete idiot... because DrJava can't find jmusic and doesn't see it as a class. In the interactions pane when I import; everything is fine. However, when I import jm.JMC; I have the following error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jm$JMC

Check your Preferences. This means that you either done have jmusic (the directory), or jmusic.jar, or jmusic/inst (the directory) in your list of additional places to look for classes. Come to office hours or see me before class for help with this. Mark Guzdial

is abab-c enough of a pattern? or abba-c?
Yup, I'd be happy with either of those. Mark Guzdial

I thought my code was pretty simple ... but DrJava doesn't like it. I don't know what's wrong with it - the error is saying ";" expected for the "collage play();" line, but I've got a semicolon, so I don't see what it wants me to do. My code is pretty close to what we did in class - nothing fancy. So I'm confused.

How about collage[dot]play(); –;. It's looking for the semicolon after "collage" since a space makes no sense to Java there. Mark Guzdial

How do I run the code? It has compiled with no problems, I just don't know how to play it....

To run the code: compile, go to "Tools" and "Run Document's Main Method". Student33
Thanks, Cassy!

i like "F2" to run a main method

I keep getting the following error:
That index 229, does not exist. The last valid index is 228
The index 229 isn't valid for this sound
Yet, my code still runs. I've tried shortening the collage, but I still get the same error.
Somewhere, there's an off-by-one error in the code. Since it didn't throw an error, it means that it's somewhere inside of, and it's allowing your code to run still. It's okay – we'll talk about how to debug at that level later. Mark Guzdial

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