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Comment Area for Week of Feb 26 2007

why aren't the TA's at their office hours?!!!
is there any chance of an extension on hw6?
homework 6 has been posted to be due on two different dates:
on the syllabus is due monday 12
on the homeworks page is due on friday 9
which one is the right one

A couple of updates.
Mark Guzdial

In case you're wondering "What the heck is Guzdial DOING this week!?!": This week is the annual ACM SIG Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Symposium Conference in beautiful Covington, KY ("the Kentucky side of Cincinnati!"). This is a large conference – about 1200 people, some 300 papers get accepted (only about 100 are presented). Since CS Education is my research area, this is a major conference for me. If you're worried that I'm sitting around eating bon-bons, my schedule for the week is posted on my blog. Next year, I'm co-chairing the program (e.g., get 300 papers reviewed, pick out the best 100, etc.), and in 2009, I'm co-chairing the whole thing (e.g., figure out what to do with 1200 people). So this year, I'm presenting a workshop and two papers and a panel AND attending gobs of organizational meetings. Just FYI. Mark Guzdial

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